Title: The Program
Author: Suzanne Young
Genre: YA Contemporary/Romance/Psychology (I have no idea what genre to call this)
Pg #: 408
Reading Span: June 12-14
Rating: **** (four stars)
I love and hate the concept of this novel. I love
it because it's brilliant and original, makes a great story, and plays on real
world issues. I hate it because it's possible. But the idea works well for a
First, the characters. I have quite a few things to
say about Sloane, the main character. I love her because she's realistic.
Almost any girl would react similarly to her in the situation she's in. But it
doesn't always work for situations in the novel. Sloane is often hysterical and
very naive- which can be understood. But I wish she had one memory or thought
to cling onto to throughout the book which made her tougher or stronger, to
spare us from many hysterical crying scenes. I get it, I really do. I am glad
the author made her realistic. But something needs to change.
I like James in the story. I don't particularly
like his personality, but his character and signature cockiness works. I liked
Lacey, she was fun, but I was never a fan of Realm (more on that later). The
interaction between Sloane and her family was sad, but necessary. I couldn't
help hating Sloane's mom for doing that to her, even though she thought it was
the right decision.
The plot progression was pretty good. I really
liked how it was split into three sections of her life-- pre, during, and post
Program. It was interesting to see how the interactions between her and other
characters changed in each stage, and how Sloane felt without the memories of
her past. Her backstory was revealed nicely throughout the novel as well. Some
parts of the book were a little dull and uninteresting, but most was enjoyable.
Overall, I really enjoyed it. The main thing that
brought my rating from a 5 or 4.5 is because of the unnecessary romance scenes.
They were repetitive and didn't add to the story. I went into this book knowing
it was a partly romance novel, but I think it would attract more potential
readers without some of the romance. References to their type of relationship
and certain things that happened that are important later in the novel would be
better for me personally because they often bored me.
But the reason I liked this book most is because it
made me feel something. Brady's death and the toll it took on his family made
me said, but moved. Sloane's struggle <spoiler>
after James was taken to the Program </spoiler>
nearly made me cry. That was one of the best parts of the book. Anything with
Roger made me angry and creeped out. And <spoiler>
When Realm betrayed Sloane, and she got the injection that made her forget and
he acted like he wasn't to blame and she trusted him blatantly because she
couldn't remember he had done the very thing that he was now consoling her
about... GAH </spoiler> made me
hysterical. Actually. Ask Brianna, she was with me while I was reading it and I
was so made I a) Made fingernail marks on the book b) Slammed the book shut and
almost threw it across the room c) nearly broke into frustrated tears.
I highly recommend the Program. It is extremely moving, and hits close
to home for me, because so many teens are depressed and/or suicidal today. You
often hear about it on the news. The scariest part is, what if this happened?
What if a government program was instituted into our society? Are scientists
looking for a "cure" to depression right now? And, most concerning,
how far are we willing to go to find one and put it in place, despite the
Thanks for reading!