Top Ten Authors on Your Auto-Buy List*
February 26, 2013 |
- J.K. Rowling- She wrote Harry Potter, which is my favourite series of all time, so obviously I would read whatever she writes.
- Maria V. Snyder- I enjoyed the Inside duology, and loved Poison Study, and all her other books sound amazing. Overall a very talented author.
- John Green- Though I have only read his short story in Let It Snow, I am incredibly excited to read his other books and will read anything he publishes. :)
- Scott Westerfeld- The Uglies series was amazing, and I'm excited to read his other books (except for maybe Leviathan...). If he publishes another book, I will definitely pick it up.
- Laurie Halse Anderson- Again, I have only read one book she's published (Wintergirls) but I think all her novels have very important messages and so I would read at some point whatever she publishes.
- Jackson Pearce- Her quality of writing is fantastic and she has really good novel ideas, so if she published another book I'd be sure to read it.
- Marie Lu- I know she's only written one series (Legend), but it was so good that if she published anything else I would definitely pick it up.
- Rick Riordan- His books are great middle-grade novels, and I loved them when I was younger (and still like them now). I love mythology, so I am super excited for his norse mythology books, and whatever he publishes!
- Suzanne Collins- I loved The Hunger Games and Catching Fire (Mockingjay, not so much) and also read the first of her Underland series, which I would've liked a lot better when I was younger so I chose not to continue it. I can't wait if she publishes something else!
- Rachel Hawkins- So far I have only read Hex Hall, which was a really fun read, but I really love her writing style because it's concise with a really fun, snarky narrator. Demonglass is currently in my to-read pile, and I am looking forward to the spin-off series and Rebel Belle, as well as anything else she publishes!
*I don't usually buy books, so I interpreted this as books I would automatically read because of the author. :)
Comment and leave your top ten if you'd like! :) Thanks for reading.
Comment and leave your top ten if you'd like! :) Thanks for reading.